I would like to extend a warm and heartfelt welcome to each of you joining me on this website. April 14, 2024, is a special day in my life. I am jointly celebrating my 55th year in Ministry, and the launching of the Dr. Melvin James Ministries, Inc. Whoever you are and wherever you are on life’s journey, remember that God always loves you and so do I.
It is both challenging and rewarding to attempt to reflect on the past 55 years in ministry. Thus, in the year that Neil Armstrong landed on the moon, Woodstock, the debut of the Concorde and Boeing, and the premiering of Sesame Street, I was credentialed as a minister of the Gospel.
One thing is sure, I never dreamt on that day, that 55 years from then I would be celebrating God’s goodness and grace to me in ministry. I can truly resonate with John Newton when he wrote,
Through many dangers, toils and snares,
I have already come;
’Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.
Yes, God’s grace and goodness have been prominent aspects of my ministerial journey. I have always had a comprehensive and integrated approach to life and my ministry. As a medical psychotherapist, I have been extremely fortunate to be trained in the major areas of life to help people intertwine daily life with their spiritual dimension. I have been trained in the natural sciences, theology, human resources, counseling, and psychology. Hence, as I minister, preach, or consult, I intertwine elements from these dimensions to comprehend and empower persons.
The Dr. Melvin James Ministries Inc focuses on the areas of Apologetics and Church Management Consulting. There are various definitions of the term apologetics. The word apologetics comes from the Greek word “apologia” which means to defend. My definition and the application of the term apologetics in Dr. Melvin James Ministries is, “the reasoned comprehension of Scriptures and the practical application of the Christian faith, from systemic and systematic approaches, which are Christ focused.”
I have been a Church Consultant for over forty years. As a consultant, I provide training and services in the areas of Leadership Development, Strategic Planning and Management, Religious Behaviors and Personality Disorders, Ministerial Stress, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Conflict Management, Organizational Development, Change Management, Race Relations, and Social Justice.
Hence, as I celebrate my 55th year in the Ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ, it will be my tremendous pleasure to have you join in the celebration of thanksgiving to God, either in person or online on April 14, 2024. Amid the international pain, despair, anxiety, apprehension and hopelessness that many of us currently experience, and with the unnecessary conflicts and wars being raged, let us celebrate the relevance of the Gospel or Good News of Christ, which brings hope, but more importantly, pray that our religious and political leaders who are delivering and distributing destruction to our planet, will turn their minds and hearts to the ethics and political principles of the Prince of Peace – Jesus Christ.
It is both challenging and rewarding to attempt to reflect on the past 55 years in ministry. Thus, in the year that Neil Armstrong landed on the moon, Woodstock, the debut of the Concorde and Boeing, and the premiering of Sesame Street, I was credentialed as a minister of the Gospel.
One thing is sure, I never dreamt on that day, that 55 years from then I would be celebrating God’s goodness and grace to me in ministry. I can truly resonate with John Newton when he wrote,
Through many dangers, toils and snares,
I have already come;
’Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.
Yes, God’s grace and goodness have been prominent aspects of my ministerial journey. I have always had a comprehensive and integrated approach to life and my ministry. As a medical psychotherapist, I have been extremely fortunate to be trained in the major areas of life to help people intertwine daily life with their spiritual dimension. I have been trained in the natural sciences, theology, human resources, counseling, and psychology. Hence, as I minister, preach, or consult, I intertwine elements from these dimensions to comprehend and empower persons.
The Dr. Melvin James Ministries Inc focuses on the areas of Apologetics and Church Management Consulting. There are various definitions of the term apologetics. The word apologetics comes from the Greek word “apologia” which means to defend. My definition and the application of the term apologetics in Dr. Melvin James Ministries is, “the reasoned comprehension of Scriptures and the practical application of the Christian faith, from systemic and systematic approaches, which are Christ focused.”
I have been a Church Consultant for over forty years. As a consultant, I provide training and services in the areas of Leadership Development, Strategic Planning and Management, Religious Behaviors and Personality Disorders, Ministerial Stress, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Conflict Management, Organizational Development, Change Management, Race Relations, and Social Justice.
Hence, as I celebrate my 55th year in the Ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ, it will be my tremendous pleasure to have you join in the celebration of thanksgiving to God, either in person or online on April 14, 2024. Amid the international pain, despair, anxiety, apprehension and hopelessness that many of us currently experience, and with the unnecessary conflicts and wars being raged, let us celebrate the relevance of the Gospel or Good News of Christ, which brings hope, but more importantly, pray that our religious and political leaders who are delivering and distributing destruction to our planet, will turn their minds and hearts to the ethics and political principles of the Prince of Peace – Jesus Christ.
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
JAMES 1:17